

January 2020
November 2013
November 2009
March 2007
September 2005
- "Regulatory Aspects of the Disposal of Dredged Material"
May 2004
- "The potential impact of the Habitats Directive on designated marine 'Special Areas of Conservation'"
November 2003
June 2003
- "Ports and Habitats : Partners in Development"
March 2003
- "On the definition of the Trans-European Waterways"
November 2001
- Decision Models for Transport Infrastructure Projects
May 2001
- TENs, "Bottlenecks in Waterways"
November 2000
- "Contaminated Sediments Disposal Practices"
June 2000
- "Coastal Zone and Sea Space Development"
March 2000
- "Public-Private Partnerships & Waterway Infrastructure Investments"
November 1998
- "Dredging Contaminated Material in Ports, the Project View"
Summer 1998
- "What About Dredging ?"
April 1998
- "The potential role of Public-Private-Partnerships in the realisation of Trans-European transport projects".
December 1997
- "Background information on Dredged Material Disposal in the Sea and Dredged Material Assessment Framework"
Autumn 1997
- "Environmental Impact Assessment as a Tool to Define Suitable Options for the Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Materials"
July 1997