

2024 EuDA Annual Conference at Stanhope Hotel Brussels
“Making Waterborne Infrastructure Projects Sustainable.”

21 November 2024
Following the global commitments taken in 2015 in Paris and the increased awareness of the need to take immediate action, many initiatives have been taken by International Organizations and Institutions to tackle the most pressing negative externalities from economic activities around the world. Among these externalities, we find the various forms of pollution in the air, water or soil including noise pollution. If left untackled in the medium to long term, these pollutions can further harm nature and degrade its systems, through eutrophication, acidification, climate change.
Besides these environmental aspects, sustainable development approaches integrate social and societal as well as economic dimensions. In the EU, on the one hand, major disruptions in supply chains were caused by the COVID pandemic and highlighted the crucial role played by waterborne transport system and the strategic necessity to keep it fully functional. On the other hand, the war in Ukraine emphasised the danger of overdependence on too few energy suppliers. Offshore energy infrastructures are therefore considered more and more strategic for Europe’s energy independence as well as for the greening of its energy blend.
The OECD and the European Commission have taken key initiatives that aim at improving the sustainability of waterborne (transport and energy) infrastructure projects. At global level, the OECD Blue Dot Network proposes a voluntary framework to promote quality infrastructure projects around the world. Under the Green Deal, the EU has developed a regulatory framework for sustainable finance targeting the ‘green transition’ of industrial activities and companies towards sustainability. In this framework the EU imposes mandatory annual reporting on the sustainability performance of companies. Under the Green Taxonomy, the EU also specifies criteria for classifying the level of sustainability of economic activities as well as the progress in their green transitioning. As these initiatives target the financing of infrastructure projects, key players in the financial markets will be asked to present their views.
In the 2024 EuDA Annual Conference, representatives from the OECD and the European Commission will make keynote addresses in which they will present their initiatives to improve the sustainability of waterborne infrastructure projects as well as their state of play. A panel discussion will then follow with representatives from the Banking, the Insurance and the Financial Audit Industries, as well as representatives from an Environmental NGO and the Dredging Industry who will discuss these initiatives and exchange their views based on their current experience and future expectations regarding the economic activities involved in waterborne infrastructure projects. The floor will then be opened for meaningful exchanges with the audience.

Conference Overview:

Conference Opening
Mr Marc Van den Broeck – EuDA Chairman
Conference Moderation
Mr Paris Sansoglou – EuDA Secretary General
Short introduction of the conference theme and speakers
Keynotes Addresses
Voluntary Global Framework: The OECD Blue Dot Network (BDN)
Presentation of the OECD Blue Dot Network (functioning and state of play)
Mr Edwin Lau – OECD Head of Blue Dot Network Secretariat
EU Mandatory Framework: The Green Taxonomy
Presentation of the Green Taxonomy in the context of Sustainable Finance (functioning and state of play)
Mrs Claudia Olazábal – European Commission, DG ENV Head of Unit on Fresh Water Management
Exchange of views from key Actors on the Blue Dot Network and the Green Taxonomy
Mrs Ann-Christin Stucke - Sustainability Expert in Sustainability Team of ABN AMRO Corporate Bank
Financial Auditors
Mr Gijs de Graaff – KPMG Partner Sustainability Reporting & Accounting Advisory Services
Dredging Contractors
Mrs Jiska Verhulst – Sustainability Director, DEME
Open Floor Discussion (Approx. 15 – 20 min)

View the Conference Programme in detail.

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15 November 2017

2016 EuDA Annual Conference, at Stanhope Hotel Brussels
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15 November 2016

PIANC’s ‘Think Climate’ coalition
UN FCCC COP 21 Paris

30 November-6 December 2015

2015 EuDA Annual General Meeting Conference, at Stanhope Hotel Brussels
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Different Approaches to Global Competition

17 November 2015

ACI’s European Dredging Summit, Antwerp, Belgium
‘Gaining Project Approval, welcoming efficient & environmentally-sensitive Dredging Operations’
Supported by EuDA

7-8 October 2015

EuDA-CEDA joint Workshop at European Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
‘Sustainable Dredging Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation’
Solutions from the European Dredging Community

12 May 2015

Innovations improving Maritime Safety, at Port of Zeebrugge

5 March 2015

2014 EuDA Annual General Meeting Conference, at Stanhope Hotel Brussels
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Special focus on the World Dredging Markets

13 November 2014

EuDA 20th Anniversary Celebration, at Bibliothèque Solvay
'The European Dredging Industry: A Maritime Success Story'

7 November 2013

EuDA Annual General Meeting Conference, at Stanhope Hotel
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14 November 2012

EuDA Annual General Meeting Open-Part, at Sheraton Brussels Airport
'Threats and Opportunities from the Sea'
European Dredgers' contribution to some of the World's biggest Challenges

16 November 2011

Belgian Presidency Event with EuDA
'The European Dredging Industry presented to the European Council Shipping Working Group',
Aalst (BE) & Heusden (NL).

15 December 2010

EuDA Annual General Meeting Open-Part, at Sheraton Brussels Airport
"Man & Nature" Key Sustainable Issues for the European Dredgers

16 November 2010

Workshop on Green Innovations keep the European Dredgers at global leading edge,
Brussels, Silken Hotel.

3 November 2010

Workshop on Dredged Material and the Implementation of the new EU Waste Directive,
Brussels, EuDA offices.

29 April 2010

EuDA Annual General Assembly : Future Developments concerning State Aid to EU Maritime Transport, in the light of the rising threat from China


The 32nd IADC International Seminar on Dredging and Reclamation will take place,
in Delft, the Netherlands

15 -19 June 2009

EuDA Workshop 'Emissions' Presentations, Brussels, Belgium

6 November 2008

30th International Seminar on Dredging and Reclamation, Delft, The Netherlands

16 - 20 June 2008

Black Sea Coastal Association Varna, Bulgaria

25 - 27 September 2007

Seminar on Ports and Habitats

20 March 2003

Workshop "Waterways of Tomorrow"

09 December 2003